Speaker or Panelist Opportunities

Establish Yourself as a Thought Leader: Secure High-Profile Speaking Opportunities

Elevate your brand and position yourself as an industry expert through strategic event placement.

The Power of Speaking Engagements

In today’s competitive landscape, establishing yourself as a thought leader is critical to building a successful brand.  Speaking and panel opportunities offer a powerful platform to achieve this in three key ways:

Building Credibility: Sharing your expertise at industry conferences, summits, and events positions you as a trusted authority in your field. Being selected as a speaker lends credibility to your brand and demonstrates your knowledge and insights to a wider audience. Delivering well-received presentations further reinforces your reputation as a thought leader.

Enhancing Brand Visibility:  Speaking engagements provide a unique opportunity to showcase your brand to a targeted audience of potential customers, partners, and collaborators. Many events attract media coverage, extending your reach and amplifying your brand message. By actively participating in industry discussions, you increase brand awareness and establish yourself as a key player in your market.

Expanding Your Professional Network:  The world of speaking engagements is a hub for industry connections. Events present valuable networking opportunities, allowing you to connect with potential clients, collaborate with fellow thought leaders, and build relationships with event organisers and media professionals. These connections can open doors to new business opportunities, partnerships, and future speaking engagements, fostering professional growth and collaboration.

How We Secure Your Success

Industry Analysis

Identifying relevant conferences, summits, etc.
We begin with in-depth research. Our team analyses your industry, target audience, and key themes to identify the most impactful conferences, summits, and events where your expertise aligns with the conference’s focus.

Proposal Development

Crafting compelling speaker pitches
Your speaker proposal is crucial. We’ll craft persuasive pitches highlighting your unique perspective, areas of expertise, and the value you offer to the event’s audience. These pitches are designed to capture attention and secure an invitation.

Outreach & Relationship-Building

Leveraging contacts and securing placements
We leverage our industry network and relationships with event organisers to advocate for your placement. Our team handles direct outreach, submission management, and follow-ups, ensuring your proposal receives the attention it deserves.

Presentation Coaching (Optional)

If you offer guidance on presentation skills
We go beyond securing the opportunity! If desired, we provide expert coaching to help you hone your presentation skills and deliver your message confidently and positively.

Why Choose Lilliput Motions?

Our deep understanding of your industry and meticulous approach set us apart. Here’s why clients trust us to amplify their thought leadership:

Dedicated Research

Finding suitable events for your niche: We go beyond just finding speaking opportunities. Our team conducts in-depth research, ensuring the events we target perfectly align with your expertise and goals, maximising the impact of your engagement.

Established Network

Strong relationships with event organisers: Our established network within the industry allows us to advocate for your placement effectively. We streamline the outreach process, saving you time and increasing your chances of landing coveted speaking spots.

Understanding of Industry Trends

Ensures pitches are timely and relevant: We stay ahead of the curve, keeping a pulse on industry trends and the latest event themes. This allows us to craft timely speaker proposals that resonate with event organisers and position you as a cutting-edge thought leader.

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